Open a dialog for creating a new limeobject or editing a specific limeobject

The create dialog is implemented as a command so a plugin can easily replace the original dialog with a custom one. Check out the "Hello, Event!" tutorial for a detailed description on how to implement your own create dialog.

This dialog also useful to edit a limeobject that already exists




  • CreateLimeobjectDialogCommand



autoAttachRelation?: string

When context is used, this is the name of the relation on the reference LimeObject to use when auto attaching the new object.

limeobject?: any

Default data to populate the form with

limetype: LimeType

The limetype of the object to create

route?: boolean = false

Specifies if routing to limeobject should be done after confirmation

saveCommand?: any

Specifies any command that can be used to save the result of the dialog. If not specified, it will default to the SaveLimeObjectCommand

subtitle?: string
title?: string